Biking in Transylvania

Biking in Transylvania – Viscri, Buneşti, Meşendorf

The first part of the Transylvania Bike Trails Network (TBTN) is managed by the ADEPT Foundation. It  has been recently inaugurated allowing amazing experiences during a Biking in Transylvania tour. The villages of Viscri, Buneşti and Meşendorf, plus Cristan, are the first to be joined by a series of routes that currently amount to over 40 km.

biking in Transylvania

We came here as a group of friends so we did a slightly shorter route. This includes not only the paths built by ADEPT, but also the forest roads connecting the villages between them. So we had a 32km distance of Biking in Transylvania, that gave us a 671 m difference in Google Earth. The route is in very good condition. It can be traveled by any cyclist or cyclist regardless of physical condition. There are a few more steep portions, but they are short. There, if necessary, you can push the bike over a few meters. In addition, the route can be practiced regardless of weather as it is grazed over its entire distance.

So even if it rains the worst thing that can happen to us is to sprinkle with water and gravel, not with mud. The route is rather short and with a good rolling surface, its duration will not be long. We did it in about 5-6 hours. We also had time to visit the fortified monasteries of Viscri, Buneşti and Meşendorf.

biking in Transylvania
Biking through beautiful landscape

The Start

The start can be from several places, but we chose to start our Biking in Transylvan tour from Viscri village and we almost immediately entered the asphalt on DJ 104K. The area is quiet and with very little traffic, so we will have enough time to warm it up.

In about 7,5 km we reach the village of Buneşti through DN 1 E60 Brasov – Sighişoara. But we will enter the first section of the TBTN trail network. From here, we will still enjoy the tranquility of the place, but we will pedal the built cobblestone path. The road winds down and everyone in the group can enjoy the beauty of the place. The effort is low, so we will not need too many breaks.

biking in Transylvania
Pedaling in in the sun

The TBTN Trails

At about 3.5 h from when we left and entered the TBTN network, we will cross a creek over which ADEPT has built a footbridge. It’s a good opportunity for a short break in the shade. After that, we pedal to the hill 4-500 m and re-enter the asphalt on DJ 132C, which just left the village of Criz and continues to Meesendorf. Following the route we pedaled on the road, we now have a break by running bicycles on asphalt for about 5 km until we enter the village. As I said at the beginning here we can take a longer break and visit the church. Here we also find the village shop where we can restore our supplies of water and food.

biking in transylvana
White Church from Viscri

From Meşendorf, our Biking in Transylvania tour continues on its way through the road to the exit of the village, then on a forest road in the shade. From the store, we are in continuous climb and after about 3 km we will suddenly go left to enter the TBTN route network again. The climb continues to Shuri Hill, but the trail is winding up enough often so that you do not feel so tired. Shortly after we leave the forestry and enter the trail, we will reach the maximum altitude of 724 m.

biking in Transylvania
Through the villages
biking in transylvania
Curious cow watching us :))


The Forest

The tour continues through the forest until we leave it and continue to pedal down the valley. We will leave for a short time the TBTN trail continuing to pedal the hills directly on the grass. There will be a climb that, as it is in the area discovered, can be a bit more difficult due to the sun or the rain, depending on luck. We are about to get back on the trail to enjoy downhill skiing back to Viscri, downhill with short climbs.

But until we get back into the village, we’ll go through the most spectacular part of the route. An area that we can easily call the “carousel.” The trail winds through tight corners among the trees, plus short and intense climbs and descents. Including a deep hole over which a bridge was built, but also a bypassing option for those who do not want too high speeds or exaggerated inclines of the trail.

biking in transylvania
through the forest
biking in transylvania
happy horse
biking in transylvania
Us – the happiest group!

This is the 32 km route we did in the area of ​​the Saxon villages of Viscri, Buneşti and Meşendorf. Even at this time the route can be stretched using the rest of the TBTN trails or forest roads. So we invite you to come Biking in Transylvania because you will certainly not regret it!

biking in transylvania
See you around 😉


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